Course Venue
Kim Barker's Property
Heartwood Horses
Bannockburn, VIC
For details about the venue contact Kim 0438 811 969
Start & Finish Times 9:00-5:00 Intermediate course
The Postural Development and Biomechanics Groundwork Therapy and the Advancing Groundskills are also ideal to have done first but not essential if you already have a calm, connected horse with no extreme postural issues. All horses must already be started under saddle unless you only participate in the groundwork sessions of the course. If the rider is very inexperienced or very unconfident please check with me before booking so we can make sure this course is right for you and that we can accomodate your needs.Prerequisites for this course...
All of the teaching will be based around further building the connection and relationship with your horse. This is always the number one priority in any of my teaching which is then closely followed by developing the horse’s posture, and your own, to improve the horse's biomechanics and their level of hindquarter engagement. Better biomechanics will will make everything more enjoyable, pleasurable and safer for both you and the horse. Better biomechanics will also help your horse to become more athletic (better performance) and stay sounder for longer. Whether you are a competitive rider or a pleasure rider the things learned in this course will be incredibly beneficial.
Learn more about the course content...
We will begin by reviewing, expanding and improving upon the core concepts learned in the Introductory courses and then advance things with more precision, more responsiveness and with a better understanding of the biomechanics of the horse.
Both the human and the horse will develop confidence and feel safer together. You’ll learn exercises to improve riding balance and learn more about riding dynamics and how to flow with the horse in perfect harmony, this includes learning about trot diagonals and canter leads for example if that knowledge is needed.
Because participants will already have a core base of knowledge in my teaching I can be quite flexible with what is taught in the intermediate level courses. After assessing the group as a whole and individually I will form a program to meet the needs of those participating. If you have a specific area of interest that you wish to learn about please let me know via email.
Areas of learning CAN be the following :-
Reading and understanding your horse more accurately.
Deepening your Connection with your horse, developing intuitive communication.
Getting your horse more calm, connected, responsive and athletic.
Developing Feel, Energy awareness and how to use energy.
Becoming clear and more precise with Body Language.
Using ground skills as a diagnostic tool and for your horse’s emotions and as physical therapy for your horse.
Exploring transitions, changes of direction, sideways and using longer lines on the ground.
Liberty - Liberating with Liberty.
Positive Reinforcement and Marker training - The power of the "seeking system"
Using obstacles to create visually clear mental pictures and “games” to help your horse learn.
Putting ground skills to purpose eg. trailer loading, crossing bridges, creeks etc.
Riding with Synchronicity - How to better “go with” your horse's movement and riding from your center with unified movement.
Helping the horse to better follow your focus and line of direction.
Refining your aids when riding, more subtlety and having your horse respond to your body more so you can use your reins less.
Learning meditation techniques to clear emotions and heal traumas for your horse and yourself – mentally, emotionally and physically.
Learning bodywork and horse care practices to improve your horse’s physical health and well being as well as improve and develop their physical capability, athleticism and performance.

Come along with or without your horse.
Of course if you can bring your horse along your learning will be maximized as nothing beats hands on experience and having direct feedback from a supportive instructor to accelerate your learning. However the other option for attending these courses is to come and participate without a horse, in which case you would actively participate in all of the theory sessions, Q & A sessions, most simulations as well as watch the demonstrations and observe those with horses practice the techniques. People coming without their horses are not just fence sitters. All of these "non-hands on" with horses sessions actually make up a big percentage of this course so the fee is priced appropriately.
Come with your horse - 3 days $615 EB (early bird) if 50% deposit is made before Feb 1st with balance paid before Feb 15th. Full price $715
Come without your horse - 3 days $195 EB ($65/day). Full price $225 ($75/day)
EB prices must be paid before Feb15th. A 50% deposit will secure your spot but full price will apply if total amount is not paid before Feb 15th. Horse spots are limited to 8 so get in quick.
PLEASE NOTE: No stallions without prior permission. Ideally bring the horse that you had in the preliminary courses so you are ready to progress. For questions regarding the course content, horsemanship or eligibility for the course contact Mel 0428 385 745
Please scroll down for booking forms.

'Functional Saddling' consultations, BALANCE saddles, Private lessons & Bodywork sessions -
These sessions are available the day before or after the course or in the mornings or evenings of the course.
Find out more details about these sessions
To get more details or book a saddling consultation, private lesson or bodywork session email Mel or call 0428 385 745. Letting me know as soon as you can if you are interested in one of these sessions will help me schedule things to make sure I can fit you in. These sessions are available the day before or after the course or in the mornings or evenings of the course.