Hi Everyone,
I am writing from a very hot and dry ” Alchemy Place” at the moment, so we are definitely praying for rain, I am sure many of you are in the same boat. I was listening to an audio the other day and there was a part in it about how the Native American Indians prayed for rain and they basically just imagined it and felt it happening already around them. So may be we should try that.
We’ve had 3 great courses this year already. The first was the Integration course for the owners and their horses which I had here for development in Dec/January. I was very pleased to see how the owners were able work together with their horses and were open to learning lots of new skills and I think they will all be able to continue on well with their horses with some continued guidance.
The other courses were are Banayandah, Howlong NSW and Geelong. At the Intermediate Course at Howlong, it was quite hot so we all enjoyed the river and several students took their horses into the river and had a lot of fun with them. We had a great session sitting and connecting with Jane’s herd of horses which was a very meaningful experience for everyone and it seemed to really help everyone, as afterwards when they rode they all seemed to have a new level of feel and awareness which resulted in all their horses going much better as we focused on helping them to find more balance and self carriage. It was great to spend time with you all.
At Kim Barker’s place at Geelong we did an Introductory course with some very lovely new students who were really keen to learn with open minds and hearts. It was really great to see how quickly you all took on and applied the new concepts and see the transformations in yourselves and the horses.
I sent out a newsletter in January but I believe that many on the mailing list did not receive it. Not sure what happened there but I advertised in it the longer courses at “Alchemy Place” and the special early bird pricing for them. The details are all below. There have been a few cancellations for the March courses at “Alchemy Place” at the end of March including the Easter Retreat so there are places open still if people can come.
We have now set dates for courses in SA and an extra course in WA at Greenough, so lots is happening. Please share the course dates with your friends if you know people that would benefit from coming along. It is always great to get new people along to the courses. Also we have Sandra Wallin coming again in April for her Concsious Horsemanship Courses see below for details.
Looking forward to sharing more with everyone.
Go well,