Course Venue
"Banyandah" Howlong, NSW/VIC border
5527 Riverina Hwy Howlong
Banyandah is a purpose built horsemanship centre on the Murray River with many great horse training areas, and obstacles to play with. It also offers superb accommodation or options to camp. For more details about this contact Jane Reid horseheaven@albury.net.au 0428 537 977
Start & Finish Times 9:00-5:00
This course can be taken as a stand alone course if you have already done the pre-requisite course or combined with the Foundation Course - Connecting and Fundamental Feel Course and even the Intermediate Course, both of which are in either side of this course. Combine them to make a 6 or 11 day accelerated, intensive learning bonanza. If you are interested in doing this extended option contact me before registering so we can chat and make sure that this learning package is right for you.
This course is also Part One of the Postural Development and Biomechanics Groundwork therapy course.
Prerequisites for this course...
'Riding with Synchronicity’ means to ride in perfect synchronicity and harmony, becoming like a centaur where you become part of the horse and the horse becomes part of you. To achieve this we need to understand the horse’s physical body and the biomechanics of how their body works. It is vitally important for horses to be ridden in correct posture and biomechanical balance if they are to enjoy the experience, stay sound, be healthy and reach their highest athletic potential.
Learn more about the course content...
There are some common principles that are found at the highest levels in all great sports people – athletes, martial artists or dancers – these principles also apply to horsemanship and riding. I have learned these principles through feldenkrais and martial arts, as well as what I have learned with horses. These principles lead us to riding in complete balance and harmony with the horse and without any brace or resistance to the horse. They include being centered, aligned and using our body in a fluid and unified way - this occurs when we are relaxing completely - the opposite of being in a state of contraction or tension. The techniques presented will lead to you becoming more balanced and that means safer and more comfortable in your riding, as well as allowing your horse to move with healthy biomechanics. Healthy biomechanics not only allow your horse to reach their highest athletic potential in performance but also result in them being calmer, happier, having less resistance and staying sound. To achieve these aims, the course includes some non-horse sessions - mind and body awareness and body balancing exercises. I am very excited to share all of this with you. It will be a game changer for you.
This is FEEL GOOD HORSEMANSHIP - it causes horses and humans to FEEL GOOD !!!
To extend your learning experience find out about the preceding course
To set you up and prepare you to get the most out of this course, retaking the prerequisite course is a great idea. It is amazing the depth you get out of doing it the second time round. The foundational concepts are the keys to building the more advanced techniques, so the better you understand and can apply them, the easier it is to proceed. You never take it all in first time round, a large percentage goes over your head or is forgotten. Or, if you have not yet done the prerequisites the link is above.
And then to progress further - the following course.

Come along with or without your horse.
Of course if you can bring your horse along your learning will be maximized as nothing beats hands on experience and having direct feedback from a supportive instructor to accelerate your learning. However the other option for attending these courses is to come and participate without a horse, in which case you would actively participate in all of the theory sessions, Q & A sessions, most simulations as well as watch the demonstrations and observe those with horses practice the techniques. People coming without their horses are not just fence sitters. All of these "non-hands on" with horses sessions actually make up a big percentage of this course so the fee is priced appropriately.
Investment The cost to come with your horse is $595 for 3 days EB (early bird) Price - if 50% deposit is paid before April 1st. After that the price is $695.
The cost to come without your horse is $75/day. Total of $255 for 3 days - EB prices - if 50% deposit is paid before April 1st. After that prices are $85/day. Total $255 for 3 days.
PLEASE NOTE: No stallions without prior permission. Ideally bring the horse that you had in the Connecting and Fundamental Feel course so you are ready to progress. For questions regarding the course content, horsemanship or eligibility for the course contact Mel 0428 385 745 mel@melfleming.com
Please scroll down for booking forms.
'Functional Saddling' consultations, BALANCE saddles, Private lessons & Bodywork sessions -
These sessions are available the day before or after the course or in the mornings or evenings of the course.
Find out more details about these sessions
To get more details or book a saddling consultation, private lesson or bodywork session email Mel or call 0428 385 745. Letting me know as soon as you can if you are interested in one of these sessions will help me schedule things to make sure I can fit you in. These sessions are available the day before or after the course or in the mornings or evenings of the course.

Register on line
You can make your payment by direct deposit, or by PayPal (2.6% surcharge).
Register Online