Course Venue
Gracelands Equestrian Glenorie
Agistment and Indoor arena
Karen Norsa
2 Gracemere Crescent GLENORIE, NSW
Contact Karen for information regarding the venue and horse accommodation. If you wish to leave your horse on site please contact Karen prior to book yard/ paddock. There is also limited accomodation for people to also stay on site.
0404 338 652 knknazoo@hotmail.com
Start & Finish Times 9:00-5:00
All horses that participate in the riding sessions must already be started under saddle. No stallions without permission.If the rider is very inexperienced or very unconfident please check with me before booking so we can make sure this course is right for you and we can make sure we can accomodate your needs.Prerequisites for this course...
Consolidate, improve and advance your groundskills:-
In preparation for riding,
To help horses be easier to manage with general handling,
To develop more connection, confidence and generally have fun with your horse,
Learn or develop sideways and other lateral work on the ground
Develop your horses posture and optimal biomechanics
Be inspired with "things to do" with your horse on the ground and prepare for liberty work.
For those that are ready to ride we will continue progressing you along or get you started in riding. For those that are not up to riding yet you can do these exercises (or variations of) on the ground in preparation for riding.
Improve how your horse follows your focus
Improve steering
Guide your horse with your seat and legs
Straightness, Bend, Shoulder mobility
Feel your trot diagonals
Move sideways off the leg - beginnings of lateral work
Smooth transitions
The course format will be large group sessions as well as splitting into smaller groups or pairs to focus on specific areas and individual needs.

Come along with or without your horse.
Of course if you can bring your horse along your learning will be maximized as nothing beats hands on experience and having direct feedback from a supportive instructor to accelerate your learning. However the other option for attending these courses is to come and participate without a horse, in which case you would actively participate in all of the theory sessions, Q & A sessions, most simulations as well as watch the demonstrations and observe those with horses practice the techniques.
Investment The cost to come with your horse is $595 for 3 days EB (early bird) Price - if paid before Nov. 1 After that the price is $695.
The cost to come without your horse is $165 for 3 days ( $55/day)
PLEASE NOTE: No stallions without prior permission. Ideally bring the horse that you had in the Connecting and Fundamental Feel course so you are ready to progress. For questions regarding the course content, horsemanship or eligibility for the course contact Mel 0428 385 745 mel@melfleming.com
Please scroll down for booking forms.
'Functional Saddling' consultations (saddle fitting), BALANCE saddles, Private lessons & Bodywork sessions -
These sessions are available the day before or after the course or in the mornings or evenings of the course.
Find out more details about these sessions
To get more details or book a saddling consultation, private lesson or bodywork session email Mel or call 0428 385 745. Letting me know as soon as you can if you are interested in one of these sessions will help me schedule things to make sure I can fit you in. These sessions are available the day before or after the course or in the mornings or evenings of the course.

Register on line
You can make your payment by direct deposit, or by PayPal (2.6% surcharge).
Register Online