Recognizing Good Posture, Self-carriage and Balance in the horse.

Recognizing Good Posture, Self-carriage and Balance in the horse.

I am often not in a situation where I can get good photos to help people learn but a student recently sent me a couple of photos that she had on her phone. She took them while I was riding her horse in a lesson. I would have been on the horse for 20-30 mins and I just...
Postural Development & Biomechanics Ground Work Therapy.

Postural Development & Biomechanics Ground Work Therapy.

Introduction to Postural Development, Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Groundwork Therapy Who is this course for ? Virtually everyone that owns a horse and wants to ride it. This program can help horses with hollow backs, weak backs, poor top lines, poor posture, down...
RUGGING – Over Heating and other Considerations

RUGGING – Over Heating and other Considerations

Overheating in rugs has got to be terribly unbearable for horses.  I often see horses rugged 24 hrs a day in winter rugs, basically wearing winter rugs from the start of winter through to the end of winter and rarely having those rugs removed. It distresses me to see...
Trailer loading, travelling & introversion in the trailer.

Trailer loading, travelling & introversion in the trailer.

Trailer loading is very often a big issue for horses and their owners.  There are several main reasons for this which are outlined here along with some strategies to help. Trailer loading is a vast subject and I will not be able to cover it all fully in this article...
TRUE  Horsemanship and the MAGIC of horses

TRUE Horsemanship and the MAGIC of horses

Horses are Magic – all horse lovers feel this and that is why they are drawn to them.  Horses symbolise and embody freedom, spirit, power, energy, speed, strength and athleticism. This is what makes them magnificent and within all of this power is gentleness, softness...