Personal Development for Mind, Body & Spirit

Personal Development for Mind, Body & Spirit

For me personally, there is always the gaining of more clarity about riding dynamics and biomechanics mainly via feedback from the horses and more and more confirmation about the importance of connection and that our way of BEING is definitely the most important...
Progression with my horses Arumi and Matriarch

Progression with my horses Arumi and Matriarch

  This year I felt there was a huge break through with Arumi. For those that don’t know Arumi, he was a horse I took on a couple of years ago as a ten year old warmblood stallion that had not been started under saddle. Basically quiet in nature, he could...
RUGGING – Over Heating and other Considerations

RUGGING – Over Heating and other Considerations

Overheating in rugs has got to be terribly unbearable for horses.  I often see horses rugged 24 hrs a day in winter rugs, basically wearing winter rugs from the start of winter through to the end of winter and rarely having those rugs removed. It distresses me to see...
Trailer loading, travelling & introversion in the trailer.

Trailer loading, travelling & introversion in the trailer.

Trailer loading is very often a big issue for horses and their owners.  There are several main reasons for this which are outlined here along with some strategies to help. Trailer loading is a vast subject and I will not be able to cover it all fully in this article...
Finding Joy

Finding Joy

I usually open my introductory clinics with the line “Horsemanship is more about a way of Being than a way of Doing “. There are many, many aspects to this way of being. In the introductory clinics I usually talk about being  Centered, and Grounded and...
BALANCE lunging  cavesson

BALANCE lunging cavesson

I can highly recommend these lunging cavessons to help you develop your horse’s straightness and self carriage on the ground. Using  this cavesson has been a part of the ground work therapy program that I have been doing with my horses. These cavessons have been...