Overcoming Fear

Overcoming Fear

Fear is a big and very common issue for many people who ride or who would like to ride horses. Even some very experienced riders are still dealing with fear. I so often hear people say “ I just want to get over my fear with riding”. Becoming a confident rider is not...
Riding with Synchronicity – What is it really about ?

Riding with Synchronicity – What is it really about ?

Riding with Synchronicity Why would you want to learn ‘Riding with Synchronicity’? Because HORSES LIKE IT !!!!  Forever on a quest to reach the ultimate possible quality in horsemanship I wanted to find out how horses wanted and needed to be ridden. Having already...
Recognizing Good Posture, Self-carriage and Balance in the horse.

Recognizing Good Posture, Self-carriage and Balance in the horse.

I am often not in a situation where I can get good photos to help people learn but a student recently sent me a couple of photos that she had on her phone. She took them while I was riding her horse in a lesson. I would have been on the horse for 20-30 mins and I just...