"Alchemy Place" April 7-10
Elegance - Refinement, grace, beauty in movement, appearance or manners. Elegance is beauty that shows unusual effectiveness and simplicity.
Eloquence - Fluent, elegant, persuasive, graceful and powerful speech, communication or discourse that persuades listeners.
These are great qualities to aspire to have in our horsemanship. I like to think about how can we talk horses into things rather than force them into things and bring GRACE into everything we do. These qualities lead us into great RELATIONSHIPS AND DEEP CONNECTIONS with our horses and are therefore integral to CONNECTING WITH HORSES & RIDING WITH SYNCHRONICITY.
ALCHEMY PLACE means place of transformation. Facilitating TRANSFORMATION for both you and your horse.
Alchemy Place is a retreat away from the rest of the world where we can take time out with our horses, nature and a like minded supportive small group of people. In this environment we can CONNECT TO OURSELVES - our own heart and soul. We can still our mind and calm the emotions and bring ourselves into balance and alignment. From there there we can connect to our horses and others in the group often forming very deep meaningful friendships. Alchemy Place and the horse and human experiences that happen here are truly unique. It is a piece of paradise on earth. You see and learn more about "Alchemy Place" here.
It starts with who we have to become and how we operate in the world - our thoughts, intentions, attitudes and actions. It's a "way of being" that has to come first. Then we can get into the "doing" and develop, feel timing, balance, and gain knowledge and understanding about the physical components of horsemanship and riding. Our horses will be our guides on this journey. Leading us and showing us what we need to learn and how we need to be. It's a reciprocal relationship because just as much as we are leading them via LEADERSHIP WITH LOVE they are leading us. We look at all aspects of horses and horsemanship, Mind, Body and Spirit - the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual, equally. This will be a very hands on practical horsemanship course teaching both groundskils and riding but always keeping in mind our spiritual natures - remembering that both we and the horses are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Remembering this, is the source of being truly connected with horses. When we always acknowledge their spirit, the depth and the essence of who they are and honour them, then we have a great connection with them. As soon as we forget this things will start to fall apart. This is what connection is about at the deepest level. This will be a multilevel course and we will work with each horse and human combination individually where they are at and with whatever the priority is in their relationship and development.

CONNECTING WITH HORSES & RIDING WITH SYNCHRONICITY takes horsemanship into ART form. Starting with a FUNDAMENTAL FOUNDATION and taking things to the level of MASTERY - ELOQUENCE and ELEGANCE with horses. It turns ordinary into EXTRAORDINARY and most of all.... HORSES LOVE IT.
YOUR DREAM may be to just feel safe, confident and connected on the ground, or to feel safe, confident, balanced and in harmony in the saddle on a trail ride. But maybe, like myself, you want to go further and become an Artist with horses, achieve the highest levels of skill and athletic performance and become one with the horse - moving fluidly together. Being totally connected in mind and body, enables you to reach the highest levels without force, but instead, with honour and dignity for the horse. Whatever your level of desire, these courses will set you on the path to achieving YOUR dream and who knows, once you get started and get "hooked" on the great feeling of connection with your horse (it can be addictive) who knows how far you would like to go.
If you don't have your own horse or can't transport your horse here, I have horses that can be used for the groundwork components of the course. You will learn loads through working with my horses that you can take back home to your horse.

To reap the full benefits of the experience we offer camping (tent, horse float, swag or caravan) on site so you are able to stay fully immersed in the atmosphere. I highly recommend sleeping in your sway just outside your horse's pen or paddock. This is a very powerful way to connect with your horse.
The prices below include your horse yard and you camping with an unpowered site. If you wish to plug into power the cost is an additional $5/day.There is a fully equipped kitchen for you to self cater, with fridges, freezer (limited freezer space), stove top, oven, microwave, kettle, toaster, sandwich press, cooking utensils, plates, cutlery etc. as well as toilet & shower facilities. Also good internet access and availability if you need to stay in touch with the outside world.

THE INVESTMENT to come with a horse for these 5 days is $1250. This will include you caming on site, a horse yard and use of all the cooking, kitchen facilities and amenities.
There are also options to lease small paddocks for your horse. Talk to me directly about that and I can let you know what options are available.
If you wish to use one of my horses there will be an additional lease fee - also talk to me directly about that option.
Participants without a horse - price is $400. (doesn't include camping on site) however camping may be possible for a fee depending on numbers.
HELPERS NEEDED I have some positions available where people can "participate without a horse" in exchange for helping out during and before and after the course start dates. Duties will include horse care, feeding and yard cleaning, tidying of kitchen, bathrooms and classroom areas, preparation of the facility before the course - cleaning, gardening. Participating without a horse is a lot more than just auditing or fence sitting. You would actively participate in all of the theory sessions, Q & A sessions, body awareness and balance sessions, healing or meditation sessions and simulations, as well as watch the demonstrations and observe those with horses practice and experiment with the exercises and tasks. Contact me for more details.
LEASE HORSES AVAILABLE I have some opportunities for people to lease horses for the groundwork components of the course. Contact Mel mel@melfleming.com