April 10-12 – Connecting & Fundamental Feel in Ground Skills Course.
(This is also a preparatory course for the Postural Development, Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Ground Work Therapy course.)
Three full days to immerse yourself in learning the philosophy and techniques of “Connecting with Horses and Riding with Synchronicity”. This Ground Skills course is the most important of all the courses I teach. It sets the foundation of concepts and principles from which all the rest is built. It is essential for all who are new to my teaching and whether you are a beginner or had years of experience I believe it will be of great benefit to you.
This course will begin to teach you how to understand horse’s minds, emotions and their physical bodies. It also goes deeper into the spiritual/energetic nature of horses and the spiritual/ energetic connection between horses and humans. This course teaches the core principles of centering, breathing, body scanning, energy awareness and body language which are all essential keys to success with horses. Begin the journey to becoming a “true” horseman. “True” meaning with the qualities that the horses themselves would choose to have in a horseman. Whilst we acknowledge and work with the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of horses this course is at the same time very practical. Teaching a quality of FEEL in horsemanship handling that most people never learn in a life time. FEEL is the HOLY GRAIL of horsemanship, it is the fundamental essence of all great horsemanship. Some believe that it can never be taught but I have found a way.
Here is what you can learn at this course:-
Connect with your horse’s heart and mind and learn to listen and feel.
Develop skills to develop the centered, still and present way of being that horses love – the qualities of great leadership.
Learn the ever elusive and commonly unteachable qualities of FEEL – mental, emotional, physical and energetic feel
Learn the art of nonverbal communication – thoughts, energy and body language
Learn how horses learn
Learn how to problem solve and understand your horse to resolve any behavioral/training issues that you are having.
Develop safe horse handling skills and habits on the ground to set you up for any activity or handling that you may need on the ground and which translate into aids and skills needed in riding.
Learn techniques on the ground that all lead to horses using their bodies with healthy biomechanics and developing good posture and hindquarter engagement.
Come along with or without your horse.
Of course if you can bring your horse along your learning will be maximized as nothing beats hands on experience and having direct feedback from a supportive instructor to accelerate your learning. However the other option for attending these courses is to come and participate without a horse, in which case you would actively participate in all of the theory sessions, Q & A sessions, most of the body awareness / balance sessions and simulations (this may depend on numbers – some of these sessions might need to be restricted to those bringing horses), as well as watch the demonstrations and observe those with horses practice the techniques.
All of these “non-hands on” with horses sessions actually make up a big percentage of the course which is why the pricing for those wishing to come without their horse is approx. 50% of the full course fee. People coming without their horses are not just fence sitters. They get equal value to those bringing horses for at least 50% of the course.
Investment The cost to come with your horse is $695 for the 3 days Early Bird Price (because of all the uncertainty with COVID I have decided to extend the early bird price for this course if you pay 50% March 26th). After that the price is $795. The cost to come without your horse is $85/day or $255 for 3 days Early Bird Price (if you pay 50% before March 26th) after that the price is $95/day or $285 for 3 days. (Each course is limited to 6 people with horses – so book early if you don’t want to miss out.)
PLEASE NOTE: If you are a raw beginner and/or feel very unconfident or unsafe in handling or riding your horse please contact me before registering and booking into this course with your horse. No stallions without prior permission.
For questions regarding the course content, horsemanship or eligibility for the course contact Mel mel@melfleming.com
Please scroll down for booking forms.
April 13-15 – Riding with Synchronicity – Introductory Course
‘Riding in Synchronicity’ means to ride in perfect synchronicity and harmony, becoming like a centaur where you become part of the horse and the horse becomes part of you. To achieve this we need to understand the horse’s physical body and the biomechanics of how their body works. It is vitally important for horses to be ridden in correct posture and biomechanical balance if they are to enjoy the experience, stay sound, be healthy and reach their highest athletic potential.
This course teaches the fundamental principles and “how to” of learning to ride with harmony, effortless and ease. Start learning the secrets to happy and successful partnerships with horses. Whether you just want to ride for pleasure or have high aspirations for competition these secrets will be invaluable. These fundamental keys will develop you to be a great rider and will be of great benefit whether you are relatively new to riding or had many years in the saddle. Even high level competition riders have been greatly helped by this teaching. If you are a raw beginner please contact me before booking to make sure that this course will be appropriate for you to come with your horse.
There are some common principles that are found at the highest levels in all great sports people – athletes, martial artists or dancers – these principles also apply to horsemanship and riding. I have learned these principles through feldenkrais and martial arts, as well as what I have learned with horses. These principles lead us to riding in complete balance and harmony with the horse and without any brace or resistance to the horse. They include being centered, aligned and using our body in a fluid and unified way – this occurs when we are relaxing completely – the opposite of being in a state of contraction or tension. The techniques presented will lead to you feeling more balanced and that means safer and more comfortable in your riding, as well as allowing your horse to move with healthy biomechanics.
Healthy biomechanics not only lead to your horse reaching their highest athletic potential in performance but also result in them being calmer, happier and having less resistance. To achieve these aims, the teaching may include meditation, mind and body awareness and body balancing exercises. I am very excited to share all of this with you because it will be a game changer for you and your horse.
Come along with or without your horse.
Of course if you can bring your horse along your learning will be maximized as nothing beats hands on experience and having direct feedback from a supportive instructor to accelerate your learning. However the other option for attending these courses is to come and “Participate without a horse”. This is very different than “fence sitting” as you are not only observing demonstrations and the participants with their horses but will also actively participate in the theory sessions, Q & A sessions, body awareness and balance sessions, meditation sessions and simulations, all of which make up a big percentage of the course.
For eligibility to bring a horse to this course people need to have completed the “Connecting and Fundamental Feel” Groundwork course or the “Introductory Groundwork” course with me. For questions regarding the course content, horsemanship or eligibility for the course contact Mel mel@melfleming.com
Investment – The cost to come with your horse is $695 for the 3 days Early Bird Price (if you pay 50% before Feb 24th). After that the price is $795. The cost to come without your horse is $85/day or $255 for 3 days Early Bird Price (if you pay 50% before Feb 24th) after that the price is $95/day or $285 for 3 days. (Each course is limited to 6 people with horses – so book early if you don’t want to miss out.) Please scroll down for booking forms.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are a raw beginner and/or feel very unconfident or unsafe in handling or riding your horse please contact me before registering and booking into this course with your horse. Your horse must be started and ride-able unless you just choose to do the ground work aspects. No stallions without prior permission. For questions regarding the course content, horsemanship or eligibility for the course contact Mel mel@melfleming.com
Please scroll down for booking forms.
April 16-18 – Intermediate Course – Groundwork and Riding
Participants with horses in this course will have needed to have previously attended an Introductory clinic with me. On some occasions people may request permission to attend by submitting a video of themselves working with their horse on the ground and riding. Please email me for details regarding this.
The content of this course will be based upon the following, but will be adapted to specifically target the needs of the horses and riders that are attending.
We will begin by reviewing, expanding and improving upon the concepts learned in the Introductory course. Then advance the ground skills with more precision, more responsiveness and with a better understanding of the biomechanics of the horse. Explore transitions, changes of direction, sideways and also using longer lines. Both you and your horse will develop confidence which means safety and better performance.
Learn exercises to improve rider balance and learn more details about riding dynamics and how to flow with the horse in perfect harmony, this includes learning about trot diagonals and canter leads. Learn about posture, self carriage, balance and biomechanics for both the horse and rider and how to enhance these through ground work and riding. Start to develop HQ engagement and collection in the horse.
Some more specific areas of learning could be :-
Reading and understanding your horse more accurately.
Deepening your Connection with your horse, developing intuitive communication.
Getting your horse more calm, connected, responsive and athletic.
Developing Feel, Energy awareness and how to use energy.
Becoming clear and more precise with Body Language.
Using ground skills as a diagnostic tool and for your horse’s emotions and as physical therapy for your horse.
Developing good posture, biomechanics, self carriage and engagement in both horse and rider, in both ground work and riding.
Using obstacles to create visually clear mental pictures and “games” to help your horse learn.
Putting ground skills to purpose eg. trailer loading, crossing bridges, creeks etc.
How to better “go with” your horses movement.
Helping the horse to better follow your focus and line of direction.
Riding from your centre with a unified body.
Refining your aids, by using your body more and the reins less.
Clearing emotions in your horse and yourself.
Learning bodywork and horse care practices to improve your horse’s physical health and well-being as well as improve and develop their physical capability, athleticism and performance.
The needs of the horses and riders in the clinic will determine which things we focus on in the course.
Come along with or without your horse.
Of course if you can bring your horse along your learning will be maximized as nothing beats hands on experience and having direct feedback from a supportive instructor to accelerate your learning. However the other option for attending these courses is to come and participate without a horse, in which case you would actively participate in all of the theory sessions, Q & A sessions, body awareness and balance sessions, healing/bodywork/meditation sessions and most simulations, as well as watch the demonstrations and observe those with horses practice and experiment.
Those participating without horses are not just auditors (listeners) or fence sitters – they are active participants and receive equal benefit, coaching and participation in the healing/bodywork/meditation and simulation sessions as those bringing horses. These sessions without horses make up a large percentage of the course. So to be fair to those bringing horses we need to make the fee for those coming without horses equitable and their is HUGE value in coming without your horse. Taking people without horses also opens up the opportunity for more people to be able to attend.
PLEASE NOTE: the Intermediate Level Course – is for those who have done the Introductory Groundwork course and ideally Introductory Riding courses with me previously. However it may be possible to do the course without having done the Intro Riding course with special permission, if you meet certain requirements. If you are coming without your horse there are no pre-requisites required – you are very welcome to come along, learn and see what we are all about.
Investment – The investment to participate with your horse in this 3 day course is $695 (Early Bird price) if you pay 50% before Feb 24th, after that price is $795. (Each course is limited to 6 people with horses – so book early if you don’t want to miss out.) The investment to participate without your horse is $255 ( Early Bird Price – 50% before Feb 24th) or $285 thereafter. (There is a day rate if you can’t attend the whole 3 days – EB $85/day and thereafter $95/day).
PLEASE NOTE: No stallions without prior permission. For questions regarding the course content, horsemanship or eligibility for the course contact Mel mel@melfleming.com
Private Sessions – Lessons, Saddle fitting & BALANCE saddle test rides, Bodywork sessions
Private lessons ($120/hr), Saddle fittings and opportunities to test ride the BALANCE saddles are available on request. Saddle fittings with the BALANCE saddles take 1 1/2 to 2 hrs. cost $190. Body work sessions – energetic bodywork and PEMF treatments $120 (1hr ) Equissage treatments $88 Please email to get more details or to book a session. Please let me know as soon as you can if you are interested in one of these sessions so we can plan and make sure we can fit you in.
Course Venue
Woody Pear Park 885 Acton Park Rd Acton Park ( via Busselton) WA
For details about the venue contact Paisley Walker paisleypnh@gmail.com
Register on line
You can make your payments by direct deposit, cheque, credit card ( 2.5% surcharge) or by PayPal (2.6% surcharge). The details of how to pay by dd, cheque or cc can all be found on the registration form below. If you wish to pay by PayPal fill out the online registration form and indicate that you wish to pay by PayPal and I will send you a PayPal invoice.Register Online