IMG_0074webHello All,
Hope you are all well.
I sincerely send my energetic support to all those who are affected by the devastating  floods on the East Coast of Australia. One of my favorite quotes ever,  I heard from Ray Hunt ” In the depth of adversity is the height of opportunity” so I hope that those badly affected, as hard as it may be, can see the opportunity or the silver lining within the cloud. My thoughts are with you.

On a very different note, I have recently had it brought to my attention that quite a few people on the mailing list have not been receiving the newsletters, even though my newsletter sending program says they have all been sent. I apologize for that if you are one of the people that have missed out. I think the problem has been rectified now but I would appreciate your help by asking you to reply to this email with a YES in the SUBJECT LINE so that I can confirm you are receiving them.

The rest of the newsletter contains a new article about “Finding Joy” updates on courses and information about ordering products from BALANCE.
Enjoy and talk to you again soon,
Go well,