2013-09-15-22.46.462013-09-15-22.45.46Hello All,

I hope this email finds you well. Spring is certainly upon us with its perfect riding weather. Here at ‘Alchemy Place’  we are midway through our 4 week module with lots of amazing progress having been made already. Learning for both horses and humans means stretching beyond the comfort zone, so it has not been all smooth sailing, with both horses and humans having some emotional highs and lows along the way to making the changes needed to progress to another level of connection, feel, timing and balance.

Even though the process of learning can sometimes seem hard, once we get through the tough bits, the feelings of satisfaction, harmony, achievement and partnership make it all feel worthwhile. In hindsight when  we look back on things, we usually think that it really wasn’t that bad at all. So don’t be afraid to stretch yourself. Just know that feeling a bit awkward, confused, uncomfortable and unsure is all part of the process of learning that everybody goes through.

try-angle resizedThe secret that good learners, successful students and high achievers all have in commmon is that they stay focussed, open, positive, keep trying and NEVER ever give up. They embrace the challenge rather than resist it. Staying in control of our mind and our our emotions is the key to succes in any field. So embrace the challenges when they arrive.

Enjoy yourselves and your horses.
Best regards to you,