The Importance of TEMPO

The Importance of TEMPO

                        A really great article written by Carol and Lesley from BALANCE   Click the silver button above to read....
Ideas, Insights and Inspiration

Ideas, Insights and Inspiration

DO WHAT YOU LOVE AND LOVE WHAT YOU DO – I recently had a great reminder about this. I had the opportunity to go to see a live band Deborah Conway and Willy Zygier. I loved Deborah’s voice but was even more inspired by Willy playing the guitar. He seemed to...
Aikido training and progress

Aikido training and progress

Continuing to learn Aikido has been an important component of my year. Aikido challenges me mentally, emotionally and physically, it puts me in the student’s shoes which helps me to be more compassionate and understanding of both my horse and human students. It...
Personal Development for Mind, Body & Spirit

Personal Development for Mind, Body & Spirit

For me personally, there is always the gaining of more clarity about riding dynamics and biomechanics mainly via feedback from the horses and more and more confirmation about the importance of connection and that our way of BEING is definitely the most important...
Progression with my horses Arumi and Matriarch

Progression with my horses Arumi and Matriarch

  This year I felt there was a huge break through with Arumi. For those that don’t know Arumi, he was a horse I took on a couple of years ago as a ten year old warmblood stallion that had not been started under saddle. Basically quiet in nature, he could...
RUGGING – Over Heating and other Considerations

RUGGING – Over Heating and other Considerations

Overheating in rugs has got to be terribly unbearable for horses.  I often see horses rugged 24 hrs a day in winter rugs, basically wearing winter rugs from the start of winter through to the end of winter and rarely having those rugs removed. It distresses me to see...